The public can weigh in on the possibility of reintroducing sea otters to stretches of the California and Oregon coasts at a series of open houses this week and next, hosted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Historically, a quarter million sea otters lived along the Pacific Rim, but fur traders hunted them to near extinction. The southern sea otter population in California expanded from a few dozen 100 years ago to about 3000 now.
Lilian Carswell, southern sea otter recovery and marine conservation coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, said the open houses are an opportunity to hear the concerns of community members and stakeholders.
"We want to provide an opportunity for people to just talk face-to-face and ask questions and share their perspectives," Carswell explained. "All the information that we get will be used to help inform next steps, if any."
Right now, sea otters range from Santa Barbara to San Mateo counties but are hemmed in by white shark populations. In the future, otters could be released in estuaries where they'd be safe from sharks, as has been done in Monterey. Otters are beneficial to their ecosystems, in particular, because they reduce the sea urchin population, which has devastated kelp beds. Kelp provides habitat for many species while sequestering carbon.
Andrew Johnson, California representative for the nonprofit Defenders of Wildlife, said the nonprofit conservation group is working with stakeholders to figure out what would be necessary for reintroduction and establish the best potential locations.
"The idea is to try to jump over this area where there seems to be poor habitat and a lot of white shark presence," Johnson noted. "Trying to get them up into the areas where they can continue their expansion and repopulation of these historical areas."
Early next year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is expected to make a decision on whether reintroduction should be part of the management strategy for southern sea otters.
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Groups in Oregon are warning wolf poaching poses a threat, not just to the creatures targeted but to people who enjoy the outdoors.
Poaching was a big issue in 2023 and again this year, especially through poisoning.
Bethany Cotton, conservation director for nonprofit conservation organization Cascadia Wildlands, said the wolf population did not grow in 2023 for the first time since the species returned to the state and a high rate of deaths has continued in 2024, largely caused by humans.
In May, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife started warning recreationists to keep their dogs on leashes because of potential exposure to poisoning meant to illegally kill wolves.
Cotton noted she decided against visiting eastern Oregon because of it.
"I have two rescue dogs, and I was invited to some friends' property out there and to spend some time out there this summer and I chose not to go," Cotton recounted. "Because it's too high a risk to go camp or hike in that part of the state right now knowing that this is happening."
Cotton acknowledged the investigation into a wolf's death takes time but poisonings are indiscriminate. In February, a poisoned cow carcass in Hells Canyon National Recreation Area killed three wolves, two golden eagles, a mountain lion and a coyote. The poaching led to the Department of Fish and Wildlife's May warning. The wolf count was 178 at the end of 2023.
Groups have banded together to take on poachers with the Turn-In-Poachers program. The collaboration is between O-D-F-W, the Oregon State Police, the Oregon Hunters Association, the Oregon Wildlife Coalition, the Oregon Outfitter and Guides Association and the Oregon State Marine Board. Rewards have been offered for tips on poachers but have not led to any arrests or convictions.
Cotton wants to see the silence around poaching events broken.
"We really do hope that those with knowledge about this poisoning incidents or future poisonings will come forward because of the possibility and the reality that it impacts far more than wolves," Cotton emphasized. "It impacts lots of other species and has impacted dogs and very likely will again in the future."
Cotton added healthy wolf populations are good for humans, including controlling diseases like chronic wasting disease in deer and elk and reducing vehicular accidents with deer.
"They bring a lot of benefits to the landscape," Cotton stressed. "It's been a huge success story that wolves naturally recolonized Oregon after having been absent for so many decades, and we just need to really learn to coexist with them like humans and wolves did for millennia."
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A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision could affect public lands and wildlife in places like Wyoming.
In June, the nation's highest court overturned a nearly 40-year-old practice known as Chevron deference, which said when it comes to interpreting a vague law, courts should defer to agency expertise instead of interpreting the law themselves.
The practice has given agencies like the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which oversees endangered species, the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management flexibility in making decisions on how a vague law plays out. The new decision tilts the scales, giving courts the final say on ambiguous statutes.
Sam Kalen, professor of law at the University of Wyoming, said the decision is far-reaching.
"That means there's going to be more power, more ability of a court to potentially do something that is, you know, against the entire purpose, if you will, even of the Endangered Species Act," Kalen explained.
In the court's majority opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote Chevron kept judges from judging. In dissent, Justice Elena Kagan said it supported "regulatory efforts of all kinds," including those keeping "air and water clean, food and drugs safe, and financial markets honest."
Over the span of four decades, 70 U.S. Supreme Court decisions and 17,000 lower court decisions have invoked Chevron. Kalen noted the new decision could upset old ones.
"What we have seen in the last, I would say, couple of months is a lot of instances where parties are trying to now reargue issues where Chevron was used as a framework in the past," Kalen observed. "To me, that could be significant."
He added it is too soon to tell if revisiting old court decisions will become a trend.
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Beluga whales are known as the "canaries of the sea" for their melodious songs but conservation groups are concerned one pod in Alaska could be rendered silent.
Belugas have lived in the Cook Inlet near Anchorage for centuries but because of a deteriorating environment, they are now on the federal Endangered Species list.
Ragen Davey, Alaska marine representative for Defenders of Wildlife, said the population of the extremely social and vocal Cook Inlet belugas has alarmingly decreased by about 80% since the 1970s.
"They stay in Cook Inlet all year round," Davey explained. "They live under the ice for parts of it. There's so many different threats that are affecting them. The three main ones are noise pollution, water pollution and prey availability."
Davey noted the Beluga whales are experiencing a variety of threats not endangering other whale populations in Alaskan waters. She pointed out their territory in the Cook Inlet is right outside one of the most developed areas of the state.
While orcas and polar bears are the belugas' natural predators, Davey emphasized water pollution and a diminishing salmon population account for much of their decline. And although by law they are no longer hunted by humans, the trappings of modern-day civilization also weigh on their survival.
"When feeding, belugas use echolocation to find food," Davey added. "Parts of their habitat are in a lot of the most developed parts of the state in Cook Inlet, so commercial ships and machinery noise can really impact the whales when they're trying to find food and talk with each other."
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Alaska Beluga Monitoring Program trains volunteer citizen observers to monitor the whales at various points along the inlet and report their findings. Davey stressed the extra eyes are needed to count them and keep tabs on the species' progress.
"I really encourage Alaska residents to sign up to volunteer for the monitoring program," Davey urged. "The more people that understand what this population is enduring, the more people that are able to join in on the recovery."
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