HIV/AIDS Prevention
'Know your status' on National HIV Testing Day
More than a million people live with HIV in the United States, and more than 18,000 of them call Arizona home. Today, on National HIV Testing Day…
Know your status on National HIV Testing Day
There are over a million people living with HIV in the United States and just over 3,400 call Utah home. Today, on National HIV Testing Day…
IN center hosts sites for National HIV Testing Day
Today is National HIV Testing Day. First observed in the U.S. in 1995, anyone who is sexually active is urged to get tested to know their HIV status…
WY theater company talks health care on stage
As Pride Month winds down, health advocates want members of the LGBTQ+ community to know about health care options, despite any challenges to …
On World AIDS Day, NM activists say more money is needed for prevention
New Mexico activists are tapping today's World AIDS Day, Dec. 1, to announce they'll ask the State Legislature to provide more money for treatment …
For World AIDS Day, one mother shares her son's legacy
Today is World AIDS Day, a movement to unite people and communities in the fight against HIV and AIDS. According to AIDSVu, in 2021, more than 11,00…
Newly legal fentanyl testing strips help fight overdose deaths in MO
The rise in deaths involving synthetic opioids or fentanyl have overdose-prevention advocates looking for solutions across the nation. Gov. Mike …
Missouri community healthcare centers face 340B uncertainty
While large hospitals and pharmaceutical manufacturers battle over drug costs, Missouri community health centers see themselves as collateral damage…
National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day calls for testing, prevention
Today is National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, and Nevada is one of the 10 states with the highest HIV infection rates. In 2021, more than 11,00…
Is Birth Control Legal? Many Missourians Unsure
One in four Missourians either doesn't believe or doesn't know that using birth control pills is legal in the state. The Right Time, an initiative …
Experts: Some New Yorkers Disproportionately Affected by HIV
As New York honors National HIV Testing Day, experts are hoping to end the disproportionate effects of HIV and AIDS. A report from the Human …
IN HIV/AIDS Center Urges Participation on National HIV Testing Day
Once viewed as an automatic death sentence with the first diagnosis in 1981, HIV today is met with effective treatment options. Today is National HIV …