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Saturday, June 15, 2024

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The Supreme Court throws out a Trump-era ban on gun bump stocks; a look at how social media algorithms and Shakespearian villains have in common; and states receive federal funding to clean up legacy mine pollution.

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The Supreme Court for now protects access to abortion drug mifepristone, while Senate Republicans block a bill protecting access to in-vitro fertilization. Wisconsin's Supreme Court bans mobile voting sites, and colleges deal with funding cuts as legislatures target diversity programs.

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As summer nears, America's newest and largest international dark sky sanctuary beckons, rural job growth is up, but full recovery remains elusive, rural Americans living in prison towns support a transition, while birth control is more readily available in rural areas.

CT bill updates teacher certification process, could reduce shortage

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024   

A newly passed Connecticut bill will modernize the teacher certification process. House Bill 5436 is expected to make it easier for educators to teach at different grade levels.

The change is part of an effort to alleviate the state's ongoing teacher shortage, which is becoming cyclical. Burned-out teachers are leaving their jobs, straining remaining teachers and hose entering the field.

Kate Dias, president of the Connecticut Education Association, said the state needs to address other factors, too.

"Looking at the barriers to entry in terms of cost, the exams we use, the expectations of our edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment) program," Dias outlined. "Some of that is also about how are we inviting second-career educators in and what are the programs we're using and how are those programs really supporting our new teachers."

Some opposed the measure during a recent public hearing, saying it felt rushed or was a short-term solution. Dias explained educating lawmakers about the system was key to understanding how the certification process got this way. Some wanted the changes implemented in 2025, but she noted being mindful of its effects means the changes will not roll out until 2026.

Educators are adapting to working through the shortage but Dias noted financial commitments have not been made to address it. It can be challenging since some starting salaries do not cover Connecticut's rising cost of living. She stressed conversations with lawmakers can bring stakeholders to the table to understand educator's value.

"These are highly desirable workers that are really getting pulled into other industries through salary and other competitive wage factors," Dias acknowledged. "For us, getting to 60,000 was really about being competitive with our other industries so that we can keep and attract these people to our profession."

While many teachers burned out during the COVID-19 crisis, reports showed it only exacerbated an existing problem. Nationally, almost 300,000 teachers were leaving the profession yearly before the pandemic.

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