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Monday, June 17, 2024

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The RNC kicks off its election integrity effort, Democrats sound a warning bell about conservatives' Project 2025, and Republicans suggest funding cuts to jurisdictions with legal cases against Trump.

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As summer nears, America's newest and largest international dark sky sanctuary beckons, rural job growth is up, but full recovery remains elusive, rural Americans living in prison towns support a transition, while birth control is more readily available in rural areas.

On Memorial Day, IA labor leaders honor fallen workers

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Monday, May 27, 2024   

Memorial Day commemorates Americans who lost their lives while serving in the military.

But the Iowa Federation of Labor takes the opportunity to also honor people who died on the job in the last year.

The Iowa Division of Labor says the 57 workers who died on the job lived in all corners of the state - from Muscatine and Liberty, to Storm Lake, Des Moines and Cedar Rapids.

They were truck drivers, software engineers, county court workers and grain elevator operators.

Iowa AFL-CIO President Charlie Wishman said workers died in car accidents and from chemical exposure.

Some lost their lives falling from high ladders or other on-the-job accidents that turned out to be fatal.

"The thing that I think is in common with most of them," said Wishman, "is that many of them are preventable."

There are various Memorial Day gatherings around Iowa today, honoring all Americans who were killed in the line of military duty.

Wishman says the Iowa AFL continues to push for laws and policies that will make workplaces safer, so there will be fewer job-related deaths in the future.

"It's a reminder that there's always something that we can do more," said Wishman, "to make people have a better chance of going to work and being able to come home to their loved ones."

There are more than 1.6 million Iowans in the workforce. The industry with the most workers in the state - almost 226,000 people - is manufacturing.

Disclosure: Iowa Federation of Labor contributes to our fund for reporting on Environmental Justice, Livable Wages/Working Families, Social Justice, Urban Planning/Transportation. If you would like to help support news in the public interest, click here.

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